The plant for the management of the seabed of the Cervia harbour mouth has been officially inaugurated

On August 1st, the plant for the management of the seabed of the Cervia harbour mouth was officially inaugurated in the presence of all the project partners.

Eng. Marco Pellegrini from DIN - UNIBO explained to the audience the principles of the technology, the theory behind it and the experiments that have already been carried out over the years.

Eng. Giovanni Preda from Trevi Spa, coordinator of the work team, presented the project and the plant, describing its peculiarities in the Cervia context.

Mr. Roberto Perocchio, representing ICOMIA, explained the replicability strategies worldwide, thanks to the network of associates represented on all continents.

The Mayor of Cervia has framed the project within the local strategies for safeguarding and improving the usability of the port infrastructure, which is strategic for the Cervia economy.

A plaque was then unveiled showing the salient data of the project. Those present visited the work area and the technical room, thanks to which the plant works automatically to maintain the project quota at the mouth of the port of Cervia. Then, the event ended with a convivial moment and sharing of impressions. In addition to the mayor of Cervia, Mr. Massimo Medri, and the staff of the Soil Planning and Management Sector, the event was attended by the officials of the Soil, Coast and Land Reclamation Service of the Emilia Romagna Region, the staff of the Riccione and Cattolica Municipalities along with the personnel of the Regional Civil Protection Service that had already been involved in the supply of another experimental plant – made by Trevi - as part of the CO-EVOLVE project, in a Cattolica shipyard. A large delegation from Pescara took part in the event, which was interested in monitoring the progress of the project and the performance of the plant in view of a potential installation in their city port. Said delegation was led by Mr. Luigi Albore Mascia, the City Councilor for Public Works and Large Infrastructures, who represented the Mayor Carlo Masci, and by engineer Lino Prezioso, an expert in water treatment.

Also the ARPAE staff was present.

This project has received funding from the European Union's LIFE Programme under grant agreement No LIFE15 ENV/IT/000391